5 Interior Design Tricks That Will Transform Your Home into Luxury Oasis

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We’ve all seen those amazing homes on TV and in magazines and wished they were ours. That dream always seemed really distant, though, because we all know how much money it takes to enjoy such a level of luxury. What most people don’t realize is that they can have their luxurious homes, too, without all the cash. All it takes is some inspiration and a little effort. Interior design is basically a science, and reading up on it will give you valuable insight into how to turn your home into a luxury oasis. It doesn’t have to be as hard as you think.

1. Grab your rubber ducky ‘cause it’s bath time

You can’t reach the height of luxury without redoing your bathroom. This is where you’re at your most intimate and most vulnerable. It’s also where you pamper yourself and make sure you’re as beautiful as ever. That’s why it should also be the most luxurious room in the house.

A uniform timeless white design will get you started, and a spa stone bathtub will be the cherry on top. If you’re working with a smaller bathroom, also make sure to include a mirror. It will make it appear much brighter, more spacious, and give you an excuse to marvel at yourself for longer.

2. Brighter than the sun

How can anyone marvel at the beauty of your home when you don’t have enough natural light to show off the design? Regardless of how well-lit your home is artificial, without the power of the sun, luxury will be slipping through your hands. One easy yet effective way to have a more luxurious look is to open your home up to the power of the sun.

Brighter homes also tend to make their owners happier and more positive. After all, you’ll be getting enough vitamin D, as well as avoiding headaches that long exposure to artificial light causes. Big windows and light-colored walls are two of the best ways to introduce more natural light to your home.

3. Ring, ring! Minimalism’s calling

In the age of clutter, hoarding, and tacky decoration, minimalism is calling anyone who will listen. It’s there to remind you that the beauty of home design lies in simplicity. Less has always been more elegant, attractive, and luxurious than more. Minimalism advises you to open your eyes and heart to the real values of life and leave material possessions behind.

It shows you that each room is even more beautiful when it’s stripped bare and raw. Such design conveys confidence, boldness, and creativity. Minimalism shows you that there’s power in being different and not falling for the over-consumption scam. Minimalism is calling. The question is, will you answer?

4. Find someone who’s there for you

When it seems like you’re stuck in second gear, and it hasn’t been your day, month, or even your year, it means you need a pair of fresh eyes. Interior design projects are in no way easy and can sometimes have you racking your brain for ages. From the color of the walls to the pattern, to a certain type of design you want to use, nothing can seem right. It’s okay if you can’t do this yourself.

Professional home design services will be there for you whenever you need them. They’ll be able to give you quality advice and steer you in the right direction. Luxury doesn’t have to slip away just because you don’t have a vision right now. Someone else always does. Because someone has been in the business for ages, you’ll know they’ll bring out the best in any room.

5. Organic is the new luxurious

So far, the face of luxury has mostly been artificial and cold materials. Though they still contribute to the timeless luxury look, they’re not the only thing you can use in your home. There’s been a high increase in the popularity of organic and natural materials in the home. In fact, ever since the appearance of the Scandinavian design in the past century, people have been looking for ways to include nature in their homes.

Luxury isn’t cold and distant anymore. Instead, it is warm, biodegradable, often eco-friendly, and borderline gorgeous. Whether you’re aiming for rusting, vintage, mid-century modern, or Scandinavian, you’ll be able to find the right furniture to fit your needs.


Luxury is something available to all of us. The only thing preventing you from getting to it is your attitude. The truth is, luxury doesn’t come from a surplus of money. It stems from creativity and imagination, as well as a profound sense of style. In other words, you are the one that makes your home luxurious, not the other way around. With these tips and tricks, you’ll hack the perfect design for your home and enjoy the lap of luxury like never before. Home Bliss HQ is a great website to check out home décor tips and interior design ideas.

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