Improving Your Child’s Literacy: 4 Ways Tech Can Help

Divine Magazine
4 Min Read
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Literacy is a crucial skill for any child to learn, and it can be tough for parents to understand the best ways to help them learn and thrive. A lot has been written and researched about children’s literacy, so there are a lot of resources out there to help, but this can also make it harder to identify the right methods and tools to use. 

Technology is a relative newcomer to the world of education, but it has already been proven to make significant benefits to kids’ literacy. There are so many ways to use technology to improve literacy, and it can be invaluable for busy parents who want to help their kids succeed. 

Find Video Games With Reading Involved

Video games can be a great way to help kids improve their literacy. In the past, there have been misconceptions about video games, but they can make a huge difference in successful kids are in literacy. By making education more exciting and entertaining, you can ensure that your kids want to learn and actively seek out learning resources of their own volition. There are many games designed for kids that aim to improve literacy and even some that aren’t necessarily designed for literacy but involve reading to progress. 

Read Along With Audiobooks

Hearing written words spoken aloud can be an invaluable tool to help improve literacy for kids. Thanks to tech, we now have access to more audiobooks, podcasts and other spoken resources than ever before. Sitting your kids down with a physical copy of a book and helping them read along with the audiobook can be an excellent way to improve literacy. 

Use Speech Recognition Tech

Speech recognition software can help to make technology more accessible to kids. It can also help make educational resources easier for kids to process and understand and help them learn and improve on their speaking and reading skills. To find out more about how speech recognition tech can improve your children’s literacy, have a look at the Soapbox Blog from the experts in voice technology for kids. 

Choose Word Processing Software

Writing is learned through trial and error for many kids, but this can get frustrating for some kids if they are required to write with pen and paper. Word processing software allows kids to make as many mistakes as they want and correct them just as easily. Word processing software also auto-highlights any mistakes or errors, allowing kids to correct their own errors and learn how to produce properly written documents. It also makes it much easier for you to look at their work and see where they may need help. 

To Sum Up

Technology is a great way to help your kids learn about reading and writing. Technology is not only hugely adaptable, but children often enjoy learning while using technology more than with traditional pen and paper. Technology allows them to experiment and learn independently or with guidance and gives them access to near-unlimited resources. You should always supervise kids when they interact with tech, particularly anything connected to the internet. Teach them how to be smart and stay safe online and utilise parental controls on the internet when possible.

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