Is It Weird if You Like Childish Cartoons at Your Age?

Divine Magazine
6 Min Read
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It’s hard to comprehend while people find it weird that grown-ups still watch cartoons. They are great and actually offer benefits for every audience.

It’s 2021. The world has already seen a lot of breaking of rules and stereotypes, and rightly so. Sometimes, you even wonder why it took so long for some things to become irrelevant when they don’t even make sense in the first place.

Watching cartoons as a grown-up might not be one of them. It’s not exactly taboo, but somehow it surprises many people when you are well past your teen years, and you still watch cartoons and animated series. People relate it to childishness and immaturity. Why is that?

First off, most cartoons are aimed at entertaining kids, but they don’t come with a label that says no adults can watch. Sometimes, grown-ups even relate to characters now when they didn’t even understand its appeal when they were younger. Yes, it could be Squidward and his aversion to noisy people.

Surely, some adult stuff is too hard for children to comprehend, and it’s generally not safe. But it doesn’t work the other way around. You can be sixty and still like playing Lego or going to theme parks.

Why you should keep watching cartoons

There are adults who watch cartoons like Rick and Morty and Bojack Horseman. They don’t get the same eyebrow raise as the people who like watching Adventure Time and Courage, The Cowardly Dog. Because the first two shows actually cater to adults and the problems of adulting, while the other two are for grade-schoolers who just came home from school enjoying a snack.

Still, who cares what other people think. You could be the adult who just came home from work enjoying an adult snack while you watch Tom and Jerry. Maybe before your next Adventure Time binge-watching session, buy Hario pour-over starter set. Coffee and cartoons? Perfect combination! Plus, there is something about coffee that screams gown-up.

1. Cartoons are a form of art and a whole industry in itself

Did you know how many graphic artists and animators work on a single project? If you did, you’ll be more proud of your love for cartoons. It’s a whole industry and you supporting it means you also support the people behind every work.

Art takes many forms and does not discriminate. And you don’t have to pretend like you are drawn to museum displays to say that you appreciate art. You don’t have to memorize all the art movements either. However, you taking note of how animation has progressed over the years, that’s one thing.

It’s true, cartoons went from blurry 2-D drawings moving frame-to-frame tothe 3D animations you enjoy right now.

2. Cartoons teach adults lessons, too

People normally associate good cartoons with their ability to teach children how to say thank you or how to cross the street. But there are also tons of lessons in them for grown-ups. Hopefully, you are not learning how to be a proper pedestrian just now from cartoons, but if that’s the case, at least you’re trying.

Cartoons like Avatar: the Last Airbender seem to be mere entertainment for kids. But if you look closely its themes are very well meant for adults as well.

The value of peace is something you learn from the show. As well as, how everyone has both great and evil in them, so everybody deserves a chance for redemption.

Even Sokka, the goofy guy who knows nothing but to play with a boomerang, can impart viewers with some great food for thought. Just because you are not equally talented as the people around you doesn’t mean you don’t have anything to offer. Overcome your insecurity and you will see clearly why you matter. That is something deep coming from a guy who fights a monkey and gets drunk from cactus juice.

3. Cartoons are a great source of endorphins

Speaking of Sokka, sometimes you don’t really watch to catch the details you might have missed as an innocent child. Or to pick up life-changing quotes.

Cartoons are a great source of laughter. The adult world is already so complicated and serious. You commit no crime when you choose to play an episode of Mr. Bean over the news.

After all, you already experience the pain of everyday living, cartoons can offer you a temporary escape. Maybe it’s to a world where the only problem is Mr. Bean doesn’t have a pan big enough to fit spaghetti noodles.

When you laugh, your body produces endorphins. These are feel-good hormones. Just this reason is enough justification why should keep watching cartoons, never mind the lessons and the art. Then again, you don’t really need to justify anything. If you like it, that’s enough.

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